Hi all,
Just a quick update:
Its been great to see a number of Aussie pilots getting behind the team with donations via our link on this website, many thanks from all of the team. We still have a long way to go to reach our goal of $7,000 but every cent counts, again thanks for your support
!Roof Rack City based in Canberra has generously sponsored us two sets of roofracks to fit our team's Toyota Prados, making our long retrieves all the more comfortable with much more room available inside. A big thanks also to Peter Gallagher from Sign Impact for generously sponsoring the team with graphic design work and sign writing on both team vehicles and also producing some great helmet stickers.
As mentioned in an earlier post the Bright connection is now in Manilla to get in some more training flights at the host site. They all managed to get some great flights in the local area before they left. Craig Collings now has his new Gradient SR7 comp wing and is said to be very impressed with the gliders performance. Brian's new SR7 glider is also due very soon.
Our girls are looking forward to getting in some more training before Killarney with Viv Williams and Heike also up in Manilla. Viv will be flying her trusty Gin Boomsport. Heike Hamann is also ready to chase some more XC on her Nova Tycoon.
Our young gun James Lawson is also up in Manilla staying at our team supporters JJ and Nards place and flying XC every chance he gets, he should be very familiar with whats working and whats not and I'm sure will have some valuable information for the team. James has had his new Gradient SR7 wing for a couple of weeks now.
Andrew and Wendy Horchner have been flat out up in Queensland getting ready for the Killarney comp starting later this week with Andy still awaiting delivery of his new Gin Boomerang5.
Party boy
(Craig donnell) had his first flight on his new weapon the Airwave FR3 on Saturday (20th) and landed with a huge smile saying the glider fits like a glove and handles like a dream.
(Picture above)The whole team will be together in Killarney this Friday with the comp starting on Saturday. The Killarney region offers many similarities to the Manilla region especially when flying out onto the flatlands region located further to the west of the town. This comp is a great opportunity for the team to test out their new wings, radio communications and tactics etc..
For updates on the Killarney comp be sure to fly to:
www.fly-killarney.com.auFly hard but safely! Peter Bowyer, Aussie Team Leader.